Configuring Purchase Documents

If necessary, you can configure certain purchase document settings to better match the needs of your organization. The sections below provide details on how to do so.

Note that this article generally uses invoices for illustrative purposes, but the text applies equally well to credit memos.

Automatic amount validation

When you receive an invoice from a vendor and convert this into a purchase invoice, Document Capture can automatically check if the total amount of the original invoice (often referred to as the imported amount) matches the amount you've entered in the purchase invoice. If you enable this check and the two amounts don't match, you're unable to post the purchase invoice – an error is displayed when you try.


There must be an exact match between the two amounts. However, it's possible to factor in differences in rounding accuracy if need be. Document Capture typically allows for a discrepancy of 0.01 currency units, but this can be customized in the General Ledger Setup or on the Currency Card – depending on the currency you need to configure. You can either use the standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central fields Invoice Rounding Precision (LCY) and Invoice Rounding Type (LCY), or the Document Capture fields Maximum Allowed Difference Incl. VAT (app-only) and Maximum Allowed Difference Excl. VAT (app only).

To set up amount validation, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Document Capture Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the General FastTab, under Amount Validation on Post, select which types of amounts must match, if any: amounts including VAT, amounts excluding VAT, both types, or neither (i.e. Not Required).

Note that you can change imported amounts using the guide below.

Customization of imported amounts

When a vendor sends you an invoice, Document Capture automatically registers the total amount of this invoice and copies it to the corresponding purchase invoice that's created. However, this original invoice total – the imported amount – can be changed by certain users. A common reason for changing imported amounts is to avoid discrepancies caused by:

  • VAT differences (if you post invoices using a different VAT rate than your vendor)
  • The fact that VAT is calculated differently by different systems
  • Rounding issues (if you use different rounding rules than your vendor)


The way you change the imported amounts of incoming documents depends on how the documents have been registered – as standard documents (the default method) or as journal lines. Both procedures are described below, under Documents registered using the standard method and Documents registered as journal lines respectively.

Documents registered using the standard method

To change the imported amounts of documents (here exemplified by purchase invoices) that have been registered in the usual way as standard documents, follow these steps:

  1. From the Role Center, in the Continia Document Capture Activities section, select Open PIs.
  2. In the list of purchase invoices, select the one for which you want to configure the imported amounts. You do this by selecting its number in the No. column.
  3. The selected purchase invoice opens. In the action bar, select Invoice and then Change Imported Amounts.
  4. In New Amount Excl. VAT and/or New Amount Incl. VAT, enter the amount(s) that you want to apply to this invoice.
  5. Select OK to close the Change Document Amount page.

The new amounts are applied to the purchase invoice and displayed on the General FastTab, under Amount Excl. VAT (Imported) and/or Amount Incl. VAT (Imported).

Documents registered as journal lines

To change the imported amounts of documents that have been registered as journal lines, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter General Journals or Purchase Journals (depending on which of these types of journal the documents have been registered as lines in), and then choose the related link.
  2. In the list of journal lines, select the one whose imported amounts you want to change.
  3. In the action bar, select Line > Change Imported Amounts.
  4. In New Amount Excl. VAT and/or New Amount Incl. VAT, enter the amount(s) that you want to apply to the selected journal line.
  5. Select OK to close the Change Document Amount page.

The new amounts are now applied to the document represented by the selected journal line although they aren't immediately visible in the journal itself.

Users capable of customizing imported amounts

In order to be able to change imported amounts, you must meet one of the following criteria, depending on whether or not invoice approval has been set up for the current company:

No invoice approval

When invoice approval has not been set up, you must be permitted to edit the CDC Document table. Two permission sets will grant you this permission: CDC-CAPTURE and CDC-SUPER. You must be assigned one of these permission sets by an admin.

Invoice approval enabled

When invoice approval has been set up, you must be configured as an approval administrator. This can only be done by an admin and is done as follows:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Continia User Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the action bar, select Edit to open the Continia User Setup Card.
  3. On the General FastTab, enable Approval Administrator by toggling the switch.

See also

Setting up Purchase Documents
Setting up the Registration of Documents as General Journal Lines