Detailed Changelog for the Continia Web Approval Portal

This article lists all new features and bug fixes for each version of the Continia Web Approval Portal.

Web Approval Portal 24.0.3

Released: June 20, 2024

New or changed functionality

Used GST for en-US language - changed to Tax.56819
Culture names are no longer case-sensitive.56817
Upgrading GdPicture to latest version (14.2.73).56694

Bug fixes

Changed async web service calls to use the "real" async methods.54406
Fixed a bug which caused the overview to crash in case both versions were not updated from BC/NAV.56186

Web Approval Portal 24.0.2

Released: May 27, 2024

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue where the button “Put on hold and Approve” was not hidden while performing approval actions.
Fixed an issue where Expense Type were missing in overviews for Expense Management 12 SP 1 and above.
Fixed an issue for opening the Settings menu.
Fixed an issue where time zones incorrectly was taken into consideration. This caused some date fields to be displayed incorrectly.
Fixed an issue logging in with Microsoft 365 for on-premise installations.
Fixed an issue opening Purchase Contracts on mobile.
Fixed an issue changing VATProdPostingGroups on mobile.

Web Approval Portal 24.0.1

Released: April 16, 2024

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue when calling the StdAmountDistributionCodes webservice. The error “An asynchronous module or handler completed while an asynchronous operation was still pending” occurred. Other webservices are still causing issues. These will be fixed in 24.0.3.

Web Approval Portal 24.0.0

Released: April 16, 2024

New or changed functionality

Added the number of approvals for the purchase, expense, mileage, per diem and expense report menu. Requires Document Capture 12 Service Pack 3.
Enhanced security around the use of password reset links.

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue that occurred using the company selector in the mobile layout.
Fixed an issue where the columns got shifted when using the VendorRef column.
Fixed an issue accessing documents for customers running Expense Management 12 Service Pack 2.

Web Approval Portal 1.30.0

Released: March 26, 2024

New or changed functionality

A new column, Vendor Invoice No, has been added to the purchase approval documents.
Added columns for purchase contracts has been added for purchase invoices and credit memos.
Added the number and type of documents for approval in the company selector.

Web Approval Portal 1.29.2

Released: February 16, 2024

New or changed functionality

Change caching to being memory based instead of file based.

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug where users got an error when creating a comment.

Web Approval Portal 1.29.1

Released: January 9, 2024

Bug fixes

Dimension headers are now translated.
2-decimal negative numbers are now formatted properly.
Fixed an issue with the PostedPurchaseInvoice webservice for Document Capture 12 Service Pack 2.
Fixed an issue with the DelegateMultiple functionality.
Fixed an issue when logging in with Office 365.

Web Approval Portal 1.29.0

Released: December 4, 2023

New or changed functionality

A new column, Number, has been added to all pages for Expense Management.
A new column, Submitted by Delegated User, has been added to all pages for Expense Management 2023 R2 Service Pack 1 and later.
A new column, Matched to Transaction, has been added to all pages for Expense Management 2023 R2 Service Pack 1 and later.

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue that occured in the archive for Document Capture 2022 R2 Service Pack 2 when users selected the Resource type.

Web Approval Portal 1.28.2

Released: October 2, 2023

Bug fixes

Fixed issue when using the Resource type for purchase lines.

Web Approval Portal 1.28.1

Released: September 27, 2023

Bug fixes

Fixed issue with caching for Continia Online (cloud only).

Web Approval Portal 1.28.0

Released: September 18, 2023

New or changed functionality

Added header field Cash/Private Card to Expense
Added Description2 field to Expense
Added support for viewing attachment files with JPEG extension (Expense)
Removed the All and Comment link headers in the Per Diem view (Expense)

Bug fixes

Fixed issue related to missing comments on Expenses.
Fixed issue with full-screen view of documents/attachments.
Fixed issue with Session Timeout warning overriding full-screen preview.
Fixed issue with Preview and Download links in the My Processed view.
Fixed issue with the amount being reset in the Amount Distribution view
Fixed issue with drag'n'drop files not showing in archive view.

Web Approval Portal 1.27.3

Released: April 4, 2023

Bug fixes

Fixed issue with PDF reports for purchase orders

Web Approval Portal 1.27.2

Released: March 28, 2023

New or changed functionality

Added support for purchase orders and return orders (requires Document Capture 11 or later)

Bug fixes

Limit of 200 companies in the Company selector has been removed
Fixed display issue for calculated distance for mileage
Display name is now correctly used for selected company
Added the option 'Beginning of Next Period' as a start date for deferral templates
Showing more fields for purchase contracts (requires Document Capture 11 or later)
Fixed issue with missing file extension resulting in an error
Fixed issue where special characters or keywords could result in an error
Updated branding images on the login page

Web Approval Portal 1.26.1

Released: December 8, 2022

Bug fixes

Purchase Contracts removed from the Expense menu.
Fixed incorrect German text under the Purchase Contracts page.

Web Approval Portal 1.26.0

Released: December 1, 2022

New or changed functionality

Updated Continia branding

Bug fixes

Suggested shared approver caused an error when saving settings.
Approve action in mobile view did not ask to keep on-hold status on a document.
Fixed issue with Deferral Templates web service.
Resetting the MFA code for the on-premises version failed.
Improved error messages.

Web Approval Portal 1.25.2

Released: October 5, 2022

Bug fixes

Incorrect order of approvers shown on edit page.

Web Approval Portal 1.25.1

Released: October 3, 2022

Bug fixes

Showing expense approvals resulted in an error message when using Expense Management version 3.0 or older.

Web Approval Portal 1.25.0

Released: September 28, 2022

New or changed functionality

Added Finish language.
Added Portuguese language.
Added Billable field for Expense allocations.
Expense with attendees supports expense types other than "Food with guests".
Purchase Contract module updated for Document Capture version 9.03 and later.
User export data now includes company display name.
Outgoing e-mails for the on-premises version now support Modern Authentication (OAuth2).

Bug fixes

PDF preview failed if filename had capitalized file extension.
Attachments on Expense mileages could not show in "Expense Report".
Date on expense edit page did not adjust for timezone.

Web Approval Portal 1.24.1

Released: April 7, 2022

Bug fixes

Fixed missing translations
Fixed issue opening expenses when using Expense Management version 9.1

Web Approval Portal 1.24.0

Released: April 4, 2022

New or changed functionality

Added support for DC module Purchase Contracts (requires DC 9.00 or later)
Added brute-force protection for NavUserPassword login types (Web service key users).

Bug fixes

Fixed issue with headers during navigation in mobile view.
Fixed issue with "back" navigation in mobile view.
Fixed issue with error messages not showing correctly.
Fixed security vulnerabilities.
Fixed issue with browser auto-complete in "Forward to user" dialog.
Fixed issue during login, that might occur if the preferred tenant is not available.
Fixed issue with empty Job No. and Job Task No. descriptions.
Fixed issues when updating or filtering purchase line values containing some special characters.

Web Approval Portal 1.23.0

Released: March 10, 2022

New or changed functionality

Added field Payment Type to Expense Management approval page (requires Expense Management version 9.0 or later).

Bug fixes

Fixed issue with missing timestamp on document approval history.
Renamed the term "Settlement" to "Expense report" to conform with the change in Expense Management 9.0.

Web Approval Portal 1.22.0

Released: January 27, 2022

New or changed functionality

Added support for new Continia demo system (cloud only).

Bug fixes

Fixed issue with incorrect decimal formatting in some languages (e.g. Switzerland).
Fixed issue with documents not showing up correctly if using a direct link to Continia Online (Cloud only).
Fixed issue with company name not showing correctly when exported (on-premises only).

Web Approval Portal 1.21.0

Released: December 13, 2021

Bug fixes

Reduced Windows credential login attempts to one attempt per domain to avoid blocking user account in Active Directory earlier than defined by company policy.
Fixed issue with dimension values missing.
Improved error messages.
Text field dimensions on ileages, per diems and settlements are now shown correctly.
Fixed issue of not being able to change company name when exporting users (on-premises only)
Fixed issue with not being able to delete all users (on-premises only)

Web Approval Portal 1.20.0

Released: October 1, 2021

New or changed functionality

Added support for pre-approvals of Settlements. (Require Expense Management 8.0 SP1 or later)

Bug fixes

The company with the most approvals is now set as the active company at login.
If a Microsoft 365 user is using the login form by mistake, we will automatically redirect to Microsoft 365 login.
Changing a dimension for a purchase line now updates the total amounts.
Fixed issue with Next and Previous buttons in Expense, Mileage, Per Diem, and Settlements.
Fixed an error in regards to token expiration when using Microsoft 365 login.
Fixed various translations- and spelling mistakes.

Web Approval Portal 1.19.0

Released: August 31, 2021

New or changed functionality

Added support for Resource type on purchase lines (requires Document Capture 7.00 service pack 3 or later)
Changing company will no longer default to the purchase menu, but remember which menu was last used (e.g. Expense, Mileage, Per Diem, etc.)

Bug fixes

Number formatting on purchase lines failed in localizations using space as a delimiter (e.g. Norwegian).
Translation errors
Improved error messages
Improved traceability on user export scenarios (Cloud only)

Web Approval Portal 1.18.4

Released: July 2, 2021

Bug fixes

Errors when calling a web service could lead to the web page becoming unresponding (no error was shown).
Performance has been improved when approving expenses with allocation lines disabled.
Performance has been improved on many pages, as an unneeded call to WebUserCompanies has been removed.

Web Approval Portal 1.18.3

Released: June 16, 2021

Bug fixes

Extended per-user traceability on web service requests (troubleshooting only)
Extended functionality of diagnostics page to include actual company data

Web Approval Portal 1.18.2

Released: June 2, 2021

Bug fixes

Using direct links from an e-mail for a user with access to multiple databases and Document Capture 4.00.03 (this version specifically) would cause an error.

Web Approval Portal 1.18.1

Released: May 27, 2021

Bug fixes

Microsoft 365 users would get an "Access Token is missing" error upon login.
Selecting a type in a purchase line in mobile view would cause an error.

Web Approval Portal 1.18.0

Released: May 17, 2021

Bug fixes

Direct links (from emails or browser-favorites) did not always select the correct database.
Fixed a translation in Mileage where it mentions expenses by mistake.
Fixed Polish translations for Inter-Company labels.
The "wait spinner" would not stop, when an attachment was dragged to a Purchase-, Expense-, Mileage- or Per Diem document.
Switching databases on mobile view would result in an error if using a Document Capture version older than 4.0.3
Failed to send an e-mail when a user is requesting to reset password.
Cached user permissions are cleared when exporting users.

Web Approval Portal 1.17.2

Bug fixes

OnPremise version failed when exporting users from Document Capture, if the optional field FullName was not filled.

Web Approval Portal 1.17.1

Released: March 10, 2021

Bug fixes

An error message related to the mapping of Inter-Company fields was shown on some Document Capture versions.
The progress icon shown during purchase line updates was displayed in multiple copies on the line updating.
A misleading error message was shown when a user, with access to multiple NAV/BC instances, did not have proper access to the instance the user was currently trying to connect to.
A Javascript error resulted in users not being able to update purchase lines when using Internet Explorer 11. (Please note that we do not actively support IE11 as described in our documentation)
An error message was shown if a new purchase line was created by clicking in a drop-down field on the empty line.

Web Approval Portal 1.17.0

Released: February 25, 2021

New or changed functionality

Added support for Inter-Company fields on purchase lines. (Requires Document Capture 7.0 or later)
Copy Out-of-Office to all companies. (Requires Document Capture 7.0 or later)
Added a calculated column to show the difference between imported and assigned amounts.

Bug fixes

Summed amounts on grouped approvals (approval sharing) showed incorrectly or not at all.
Error loading preview of PDF images sometimes blocked the entire approval page.
"More search results" were incorrectly showing when the MaxSearchResult property was set to 0 in the configuration file. (On-premises only)
View- and download buttons on the Archive search result were not working.
The "Back to search result" button in the Archive view did not return to the most recent search result in case more than one search was performed.
E-mails dragged from Outlook to the attachment list on a document were moved instead of copied.
The preview of multipage PDF files was not working on the approval overview list.
Expense, Mileage, and Per Diem menus were still shown when Settlements was configured to be mandatory.