Overview of Order and Receipt Matching

By comparing documents and ensuring consistency between them, document matching enables you to control that you, for example, don't pay for more than you received or that you don't ship more goods than agreed. With Continia Document Capture, you can match incoming invoices and credit memos against related documents such as purchase orders and receipts, and you can either do this manually yourself or let Document Capture handle it automatically.

While the manual procedure requires no setup at all, automatic matching must be enabled and configured according to your specific needs and wants. To do this, see Setting up Order and Receipt Matching.


Matching is available in the PURCHASE category, which allows the following types of documents to be matched against each other:

  • Purchase invoices can be matched against purchase orders, purchase receipts, or both.
  • Purchase credit memos can be matched against return orders, return shipments, or both.

For a match to be successful, the documents that are matched against each other must generally have the same currency, and the vendor numbers must be identical. However, there are two notable exceptions to this general rule:

  • If the currency code of an incoming document is the same as the company currency code (LCY) and the matching document has no currency code at all, it will be accepted as a match despite the currency mismatch. For example, if an invoice is in euros and its corresponding order has no currency specified, the two documents can be successfully matched if the company currency is also euros.
  • If, for example, you're invoiced by a branch with a vendor number that's different from the number of the branch you placed the order with, the invoice and the order can be successfully matched despite this mismatch, provided that you've entered both vendor numbers on the vendor card. The number of the vendor that you buy from is specified on the General FastTab, under No., whereas you can enter the number of the vendor that you pay to on the Invoicing FastTab, under Pay-to Vendor No.

Note that any order that's partially matched with an invoice will be locked until the invoice has been posted, meaning that you can't directly receive or invoice any additional goods or services on that order until the matched invoice has been posted. The same principle applies to credit memos, but with return orders instead of orders. This limitation was implemented as a security measure, to ensure that the order (or return order) isn't suddenly posted in full, leaving its originally matched invoice (or credit memo) incapable of being posted.

For more information on various practical aspects of document matching, check out the useful links provided in the table below:

Match documents manuallyManual Document Matching
Have documents matched automatically, including line matchingAutomatic Document Matching
Partially match documents and manage price and quantity discrepancies in generalHandling Discrepancies, Including Partial Matching
Filter the lists of line matches according to different criteriaFiltering Line Matches

See also

Setting up Order and Receipt Matching