Continia eDocuments

Continia eDocuments is your organization's hub for the exchange and management of electronic business documents (XML documents). Using the Continia Delivery Network, Continia eDocuments makes it easy for you to exchange and handle virtually all of your business documents throughout the procure-to-pay process from a single place, whether it's sending or receiving item catalogs, purchase orders, order confirmations, sales orders, dispatch advice documents, sales invoices, or other types of documents.

eDocuments are basically XML files that are transferred via networks like the Peppol Network. The Peppol Network is perhaps the most well-known of such networks, but there are multiple similar systems and digital infrastructures around the world, which are also supported by Continia eDocuments. Continia eDocuments facilitates document transfer in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central by converting Business Central documents into XML documents that can be sent via these networks, and by converting XML documents that you receive via the networks into Business Central documents. This means that you can work with these XML documents exactly as you're used to working with other documents in Business Central.

Continia eDocuments informs you if any electronic document you're about to send is invalid, so that you can resolve the issues before the document is sent. And if, for example, a vendor is unable to deliver your ordered items or has to make other changes to an order, the vendor can notify you directly using an order response. You can then update the original purchase order based on the vendor information in the order response.

The below video outlines the most important features of Continia eDocuments:

For more details about Continia eDocuments, including activation, setup, functionality, and flows, check out the useful links provided in the table below:

Activate Continia eDocuments, including copying and converting existing XML templates (not applicable to new users of Continia Document Capture)Activating Continia eDocuments
Set up Continia eDocuments and learn about XML structures and stylesheet importSetting up Continia eDocuments
Set up customers and vendors so that you can exchange electronic documents with themSetting up Customers and Vendors
Learn about Continia eDocuments table structures and the rendition of XML files as Business Central recordseDocuments Table Structures
Understand how data from eDocuments is used for source identification and document captureCapturing Data from eDocuments
Get a rundown of typical document flows within Continia eDocumentsContinia eDocuments Flows
Learn how to use Continia eDocuments as a customerCustomer Flows
Find out how to use Continia eDocuments as a vendorVendor Flows