Setting up Expense Management

Continia Expense Management comes with a standard configuration that covers all common scenarios and processes, but you can change the configuration to fit the exact needs of your organization.

The standard configuration includes a set of ready-to-use, predefined accounts and a general setup that makes it easy for you to start processing general expenses, mileage expenses, per diems expenses and expense reports (sometimes referred to as ”documents” as a group).

To set up and configure Expense Management, you can either follow the various guides included in the app itself or explore the below guides:

Create users, configure reimbursement methods, set up job queues, and moreSetting up general business functionality
Implement expense policies, process bank transaction files using transaction templates, and categorize expensesSetting up expenses
Define mileage vehicles for both single expense users and expense user groups, apply mileage rates, and implement mileage expense policiesSetting up mileage expenses
Create per diem groups, differentiate between multiple user categories, and create per diem trips covering multiple countries and multiple ratesSetting up per diem expenses
Configure flows for expense reports and define rules for preapproval of expense reportsSetting up expense reports
Enable the Web Approval Portal both online and on-premises, configure users, and customize the Web Approval PortalSetting up web approval
Configure approval sharing, use a fictional user as a group, and enable Out-of-office approval sharing for individual usersSetting up document approval
Add a credit card to multiple expense users and use a vendor as posting account typeCredit card transaction