Setting up Data Maintenance

To remain compliant with GDPR, it may be necessary to delete data, rules and similar regulations. The GDPR data maintenance feature in Expense Management will allow you to not only delete words and values, but also document records, the documents themselves and any related attachments.

Before you can run the data maintenance, you must specify the retention period for GDPR as described below. You can choose to run data maintenance manually, or you can set up job queues to handle it automatically.

Note that GDPR Retention Period (Years) specifies how many closed fiscal years document data is saved when running data maintenance. Data maintenance is based on document status, which means that data maintenance will only be carried out on documents that have been posted, and that the data maintenance period will be calculated from the document posting date.

To configure settings for GDPR compliance

To specify, how many years GDPR-related data will be saved before it’s deleted using data maintenance, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the icon, enter Expense Management Setup, and then choose the related link.
  2. On the General FastTab, under Data Maintenance go to the GDPR Retention Period (Years) field and specify the number of years you would like GDPR-related data to be saved.
  3. To run the GDPR maintenance task from the Expense Management Setup page, go to Actions > Functions and select Run GDPR Maintenance.