Electronic invoicing with Document Output

Electronic invoicing, also known as e-invoicing, enables the creation, sending, receiving, and processing of invoices digitally between businesses or individuals. With Document Output, you can securely leverage electronic invoicing for invoices and credit memos. Document Output generates and stores invoice information in XML format and sends them in an encrypted format using the Continia Delivery Network, prioritizing security, and ensuring compliance with GDPR regulations.

By utilizing electronic invoicing through Document Output, you can enjoy improved security, fraud prevention measures, and compliance with B2G requirements:

  • Enhanced security - to raise the security level of your invoicing by sending encrypted XML files directly from Business Central to the cloud service until it is received by the government server or the B2B recipient. Standard user verification process to prevent fraud.
  • Compliance with B2G obligations - in certain countries, electronic invoicing is mandatory for suppliers of goods and services when conducting business with public authorities and institutions (B2G). By adopting electronic invoicing, you can meet these legal obligations and streamline your interactions with the public sector.

For more information on how to set up electronic invoicing in Document Output, see the following table:

Learn more about Peppol and how to use it in combination with the Continia Delivery Network.Secure communication using Continia Delivery Network and Peppol
Prepare the setup of Peppol and Continia Delivery Network.Preparing for electronic invoicing using Continia Delivery Network
Set up the Continia Delivery Network.Setting up the Continia Delivery Network
See an overview of all supported e-invoice formats per country.Supported e-invoice formats per country
Learn more about the participant ID, select your country.
    View the registration process status.Setting up the Continia Delivery Network
    Attach the participation ID to the e-document setup.Setting up the Continia Delivery Network
    Track document transfer status.Outgoing Network documents