Where can I Check the Status of my Outgoing E-Documents and what Does Each Status Mean?


Where can I check the status of my outgoing e-documents, and what does each status mean?


If you open Outgoing Network Documents, you can see all your outgoing electronic documents.
In the Status column, you can check whether your document has been sent or if it has returned an error.

The following status messages exist:

Draft: The electronic document hasn't been sent yet.
In transit: The document is being sent and no feedback has been received so far, which can take up to 48 hours in connection with Nemhandel documents.
Sent: The document was successfully sent using the Continia Delivery Network.
Error: The document was not sent due to a problem. In most cases, the built-in validator found one or more inconsistencies in the document. You can check the exact error(s) by clicking on the document in the top-right corner and downloading the document receipt. This will give you an xml file describing the issue.