Setting up Job Queues

Running tasks manually can be a time-consuming process. Job queues enable you to automate this process, as they can run automatically in the background. When you set up job queues, you can still run your tasks manually, if necessary.

In Document Output, the following recurring activities can be set up for any given job queue:

Running email jobs automaticallyThis job queue will run all enabled email jobs.

To run email jobs using a job queue, follow the guide below, using codeunit 6175283 CDO NAV App.ServerE-MailJobMgt.
Sending statements automaticallyDocument Output can send statements in fixed intervals using a job queue.

To send statements using a job queue, follow the guide below, using codeunit 6175297 CDO Send Cust. Statement Mgt.

To set up job queues

As indicated above, you can use job queues to schedule and run many different tasks and processes. The setup procedure is always the same – only the codeunits/reports are different.

To set up a job queue, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Search icon, enter Job Queue Entries, and then choose the related link.
  2. In the action bar, select New to open the Job Queue Entry Card.
  3. On the General FastTab, go to Object Type to Run and select the relevant type, depending on whether you're running a codeunit or a report.
  4. In the field Object ID to Run, enter the relevant codeunit/report (see the table above).
  5. In Earliest Start Date/Time, specify the earliest date and time to start running the job queue.
  6. When you've picked or entered a date, the Earliest Start Date/Time field is autofilled with the default time of day, but you can change this if necessary.
  7. On the Recurrence FastTab, specify the recurrence rate of the job queue (if any) by enabling the recurrence toggle for each of the days you want it to run.
  8. Fill out the remaining fields on the Recurrence FastTab as needed.
  9. In the action bar, select Set Status to Ready to start the job queue.


Job queues sometimes fail, for example due to interrupted communication with an essential external resource that's become unresponsive, eventually resulting in an error status. To avoid this, we recommend that you fill in the fields Maximum No. of Attempts to Run and Rerun Delay (sec.), which are located on the General FastTab. Note that you may have to select Show more for these fields to become visible.

See also

Microsoft's article on job queues