Uninstall the extension

On this page you will find a guide on how to uninstall Continia Payment Management.

If you want to upgrade your current Microsoft Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central version 15 or newer, it is important that you uninstall the Payment Management FOB edition on your Microsoft Dynamics NAV before upgrading the database.


The Payment Management FOB edition is not compatible with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central version 15, so if you do not uninstall the Payment Management FOB edition before upgrading, this may cause problems for some tables. It is very important to complete the uninstallation before upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics Business Central version 15.

After upgrading to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central version 15, you can install Payment Management App - Continias new Payment Management solution.


Please note that Payment Management app edition does not currently have the exact same features as you know from Payment Management. However, we are constantly working on adding more features to the Payment Management app edition. You can read more about the functions in the Payment Management app edition here.

How to uninstall the extension

Follow the guide below to uninstall Payment Management.

  1. Open your Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment, which points to your default Microsoft Dynamics NAV database.

  2. Open the object list and filter the table as follows:

    Version List*PM*|*BAS*


    If you have installed Continia Collection Management and do not want to uninstall this solution, do not filter on BAS, as the basic objects in Payment Management are shared with the Continia Collection Management solution.

    If you are uninstalling Payment Management and still want to use Continia Collection Management, import the file "CM 6017297", which is required to continue running Continia Collection Management.

  3. Select all objects that appear with this filter and delete them. Enforce deleting tables.

  4. Now remove the filter on ID.

  5. The remaining objects are standard objects with Payment Management specific code. Export these objects in a text file.

  6. Remove the PM code from the objects, or import the standard objects where there are no PM fixes.


    6.1. Have your development environment point to a standard Microsoft Dynamics NAV database, with a version similar to your production environment. Select the same objects that you exported in step 5 and export these objects in a new text file.

    6.2. Use a compare tool and compare the two files that you exported in steps 5 and 6.1. This will show you exactly what kind of code to delete from the objects in your database to ensure that all Payment Management code is deleted. It concerns the objects with PM tags that do not appear on both files.

    6.3. Alternatively, you can import the text file from step 6.1, which will bring you back to the default NAV code. However, this requires that you have no changes to the objects other than those Payment Management related, as the loading will overwrite all objects, even those that are not PM related.

  7. Compile all objects.

  8. Stop your service tier.

  9. Move the folder Payment Management from the folder add-inns on your Service Tier installation, as well as on the client machine, to delete external components.

    New versions have no definite Payment Management folder. If you have other Continia products installed that do not need to be deleted, do not do anything.

  10. Start your service tier.

  11. Payment Management is now uninstalled on your Microsoft Dynamics NAV and you are ready to upgrade.