Import Currency Exchange Rates

Exchange rates can be imported directly into Continia Payment Management from different national banks. The exchange rate functionality supports all accounting currencies. The list of imported currency rates is determined by the selected national bank.

How to setup import of currency rates

During the setup of Payment Management you can select which bank or national bank you want to import exchange rates from. The list indicating which banks we support and is continuously extended.

  1. Select the Søg efter side eller rapport icon or press Ctrl-F3, enter Payment Management Basic Setup, and select the related link.
  2. In the group Direct Communication, select in the field Currency Webservice Provider the bank you want currency exchange rates updated from.
  3. Select OK to close the window.

How to import currency rates

  1. Select the icon Søg efter side eller rapport, type in Import Bank Currencies, and select the related link.
  2. Select Yes to import exchange rates from the national bank you have selected above.
  3. Exchange rates will now be imported and updated in your system.

How to setup automatic update of exchange rates

You can now enable automatic update of exchange rates using Payment Management.

  1. Select the icon Søg efter side eller rapport, enter Job Queue Entries, and then select the related link.
  2. Select New. This opens the Job Queue Entry Card.
  3. In the field Object Type to Run select CodeUnit.
  4. In the field Object ID to Run, enter 6016801.
  5. Under the tab Recurrence, specify how often (which days) you want the exchange rates to be updated and Starting Time.
  6. Select OK to close the window.
  7. Exchange rates are now automatically imported and updated according to your setup.