Use payment information on the purchase document

When you create a purchase document in Dynamics NAV or Business Central on-premises, Continia Payment Management automatically copies the vendor's payment information to the individual purchase document.

How to access payment information on purchase documents

  1. Open the purchase document.
  2. On the purchase document, at the top of the purchase header, you will find payment information under the action Payment Information. The information is completely identical to the fields on Vendor payment information. The payment information will also be found in a purchase journal.
  3. Depending on which payment method is selected, the fields Payment Identification, Recipient Reference, Manual Notification, and Document Reference will be filled in. The long notification that you find under the action Notification will only be built up when you create a suggestion in the payment journal.
  4. You can always change payment information for each purchase document. For example. you can use another payment method, rather than the vendor's "normal" payment method. The payment information is adapted to the individual invoice or order, and when the payment is later created in the payment journal, the document-specific payment information is used, and therefore not the general information from the vendor's payment information.


It is important that you enter the correct payment information into the purchase documents. It is always the payment information that is on the posted purchase document that is used in the payment journal.

If you subsequently change the vendor's payment information, the payment information on the posted purchase document is not changed. Only new documents will apply the changed payment information.

  1. If you have not yet created the payment information on the vendor, you can still create it on a purchase document.
  2. Also note that the number of possible payment methods you can choose from depends on the general setting Additional Payment Methods, which you will find in the section Payment Management Setup Page.

How to ensure that payment information is validated when posting

When posting a purchase document, you can choose whether Payment Management should validate the payment information is correct and complete.

This is a setting that is common to all vendors. You can find more about the field Check before Post Purch Doc. in the section Payment Management Setup Page.

The validation rules are determined partly by the vendor's bank (vendor payment information), as well as the settings in the general setup of Payment Management.

If you have chosen to validate purchase documents when posting (which is recommended), and there are errors or missing information, you will be informed, in the fact box, what the error consists of and how to correct the error.

Only when the validation is correct, the purchase document can be posted. This guarantee that you avoid posting purchase documents, where you miss information, and the payment journal will not fail later.