Detailliertes Changelog für Continia OPplus 2022 R2

Dieser Artikel listet alle neuen Updates, Features, Servicepacks und Hotfixes für Continia OPplus 2022 R2 auf.

OPplus 2022 R2, Service Pack 2

Veröffentlicht: 20. Februar, 2023

SaaS (Online) version:

On-premises version:

Neue und geänderte Funktionalitäten

Functional areaDescriptionID
OP: ElsterThe two new tax key figures 87 and 90 are added in sales tax advance notification for 2023.44023
OP: General ApplicationA parameter for pmt. schema order bank was added to publisher OnBeforeWriteRmtInf in Codeunit ""OPP Clearing SEPA DD.44598
OP: General ApplicationFor the CH-LSV file (Customer) there are four fields that can be filled in. But at least the first two lines must be filled in! This was done by changing the value ""Name 2"" in field two to the value of the address because this field has to be filled everytime.44649
OP: General ApplicationNew events OnBeforeMakeExcelInfo, OnAfterMakeExcelInfo have been added for Excel export functionality in Report "OPP Customer - Open Entries".
New events OnBeforeMakeExcelInfo, OnAfterMakeExcelInfo have been added for Excel export functionality in Report "OPP Cust. Assoc. Open Entries".
New events OnBeforeMakeExcelInfo, OnAfterMakeExcelInfo have been added for Excel export functionality in Report "OPP Vendor - Open Entries".
New events OnBeforeMakeExcelInfo, OnAfterMakeExcelInfo have been added for Excel export functionality in Report "OPP Vend. Assoc. Open Entries".
OP: OtherWithin the OPP-ALL permission set, the read permissions on tables 15, 18, and 23 have been changed from direct to indirect.
The consequence of this change is that OPplus users who need the permission set OPP-ALL as a prerequisite for their daily work do not at the same time also receive direct reading rights to tables 15 (G/L Accounts), 18 (Customer), and 23 (Vendor).
In some companies, it is not desired that users who require the permission set OPP-ALL also receive direct read permissions on these tables. This change was made to meet the requirement of these companies/customers.
OP: Payment ExportISO Payment: If you are using PmtMtd TRA, you have the possibility to transfer the Email address in tag too. The setup of Payment Scheme Orderer Bank was changed to handle this field.44672
OP: Payment ExportA new table to handle Purpose Codes in ISO Payment files was integrated. You can select to export it in the file header or for each transaction. The purpose codes will be setuped automatically.40323
OP: Payment ImportWhen importing files with different currencies but same IBAN an Import Interface will be created per currency.44063
OP: Platform and TechnologyThe tenant information in the OPplus licence information has been revised to provide more meaningful information. Fields that are no longer required have been removed.44871
OP: Platform and TechnologyThe help URL was changed to root directly to the Business Functionality.45049


Functional areaDescriptionID
OP: General ApplicationA new tooltip and hint was added to the automatic application reports for the posting date.45071
OP: OtherNot all G/L Entries were closed when Gain/Loss is posted. The Gain/Loss Entry remains open. This was corrected.44413
OP: OtherThere was a wrong calculation for adjustments in the Ext. Vendor Detail Trial Balance report. This has been fixed.44597
OP: OtherThe tooltip for field ""No."" was changed in Page Association Card.44673
OP: Payment ExportThe default value for the field ""xmlns:xsi"" had a wrong value: ""XMLSchemainstance"" instead of ""XMLSchema-instance"". This was corrected.44342
OP: Payment ImportIf you import statement files with the dropzone, deleting the new created interface in the process did not end the import process. This has been fixed.44406
OP: Payment ImportAn event Payment Import subscriber in OPplus led to a misbehavior under certain conditions. This has been fixed.44553
OP: Payment ImportAn error occurred when importing CAMT54 files cross-company wide. This has been fixed.44838
OP: Payment ImportWhen importing CAMT files the business case code was wrongly created. As a consequence the business case account rules dind't work properly anymore. This has been fixed.44980

OPplus 2022 R2, Service Pack 1, Hotfix 1

Veröffentlicht: 20. Januar, 2023

SaaS (Online) Version:

On-premises Version:

Neue und geänderte Funktionalitäten

Functional areaDescriptionID
OP: Country and RegionalSEPA and ISO payment header were corrected for Austria.42607
OP: OtherThe "PrintOnlyIfDetail-feature" was reintroduced in the extended Trial Balance reports.42433
OP: OtherIf the "Show Bal. Account" feature is enabled in the views and lists setup and the system detects performance issues while calculating the balance account in the OPplus entry pages. there is a new notification to give the user some hint to deactivate the problem, if wanted.43530
OP: Payment ExportPmtMtd-Node in Payment-Type ISO-PMT is now adjustable by new field "Alt. Payment Method Code" in Pmt. Scheme Orderer Bank. There are these three possible options: CHK = Cheque, TRF = Transfer Advice and TRA = Credit Transfer.
If nothing is set up, 'TRF' is used as default value.
OP: Payment ImportA new factbox was created for the Pmt. Import Register Archive to improve the performance while opening the page.43484
OP: Payment ImportA new notification was integrated if the customer has more than 50 completely posted payment import register in minimum one interface in the system. You can call the archiving report directly from the notification.43776
OP: Payment ImportThe Page "Ext. Cash Receipt Journal" was updated to the BC 21 version of the standard Cash Receipt Journal (including the OPplus features).43818
OP: Platform and TechnologyMore custom app telemetry was integrated to see the usage of Extended Application features.43850
OP: Platform and TechnologyThe Shortcut Keys were updated to the new version BC21 keys in OPplus.43857
OP: Platform and TechnologyThe Usage of "Fill My Payment" Codeunit was removed in Codeunit 5157893 - OPP Clearing. Also removed are this codeunits:
Codeunit 5157807 "OPP Fill My Ext. Application" Codeunit 5157809 "OPP My Customized Refund"
Please use the correct integrated Publisher instead of this loop through the Codeunit - Publisher.
OP: Platform and TechnologyThere was an unnecessary key in the page Apply G/L Entries. This key was deleted to get some performance enhancements.43780
OP: Platform and TechnologyTo integrate some performance enhancements, the proper usage of OnAfterGetRecord and OnAfterGetCurrRecord was checked and optimized.43761


Functional areaDescriptionID
OP: Demo ToolFixed an issue when trying to create master data in the OPplus Demo Tool report for a swiss environment.43897
OP: OtherThere was a bug in the extended reminder function if you want to use Interest Rates. An error occurred "Reminder Line already exists." This was corrected.43489
OP: OtherThe Document Entrance Date for the OPplus functionality Purch. VAT Next Month, is now also updated in the Recurring General Journals according to the entered date formula. This is the case for Account Type Vendor and also for Account Type G/L Account.43581
OP: OtherThe Document Entrance Date is now also automatically filled in the General Journal and the Purchase Journal when using the Doc. Types G/L Account in the Lines. This applies when using the OPplus function "Purch. VAT Next Month"43650
OP: Payment ExportThere were changes integrated to prevent locks in the system during konfipay transmission. The Log will be written in a new session.43232
OP: Payment ExportCorrection BC Code when importing an austrian CAMT Statement.44022
OP: Payment Import"If a file is imported via "Import - Zip file", the message showed that 1 file was read in but 0 were processed. This message was corrected."43632
OP: Payment ImportIf you are using the archiving feature for posted payment import lines and want to import new payments via CSV Port, there was a problem with the entry nos. After new imports an error comes up in the archiving process: Entry No. X already exist.
This was corrected.
OP: Payment ImportIf there is no permission to use the module payment import while using reversal, there could be a license problem. This is solved.43719
OP: Platform and TechnologyIt was possible to have a lot of entries in the Continia Usage Table for OPplus if the customer changes the number of user in the database and use several background sessions from the job queue for example.43594

OPplus 2022 R2, Service Pack 1

Veröffentlicht: 15. Dezember, 2022

SaaS (Online) Version:

On-premises Version:

Neue und geänderte Funktionalitäten

Functional areaDescriptionID
OP: Country and RegionalPayment Types for CH will now be initialized when using "Create Setup Data" for "Pmt. Export Setup CH/LI".41287
OP: Ext. Fixed AssetsThe check whether a book value below zero is allowed is to be disabled for payment discount postings. For this purpose, a new internal indicator "OPP FA Payment Discount" will be set in the payment discount entries; entries in which this indicator is set will no longer be checked.41502
OP: Ext. Fixed AssetsA "Depreciation Book Code Filter" was added for a Quantity Check when posting something in the Fixed Asset G/L Journal.42490
OP: General ApplicationA new event OnBeforeDimensionUpdate has been added for DimensionUpdate in Codeunit OPP DimensionTools.42574
OP: General ApplicationA new event OnAfterClearingBeforeCommit has been added for Clearing in Codeunit OPP Clearing.
A new event OnBeforeRepeatClearing has been added for RepeatClearing in Codeunit OPP Clearing.
A new event OnAfterRepeatClearing has been added for RepeatClearing in Codeunit OPP Clearing.
A new event OnBeforeInsertBalanceLine has been added for PostPayment in Codeunit OPP Clearing.
A new event OnBeforeSepaPstlAdr has been added for SepaPstlAdr in Codeunit OPP Clearing.
A new event OnBeforeCreate_AZV has been added for Create_AZV in Codeunit OPP Clearing AZV DE.
A new event OnAfterPmtHeadSetFilter has been added for Create_AZV in Codeunit OPP Clearing AZV DE.
A new event OnAfterCreate_AZV has been added for Create_AZV in Codeunit OPP Clearing AZV DE.
A new event OnBeforeCreate_AZV_viaWS has been added for Create_AZV_viaWS in Codeunit OPP Clearing AZV DE.
A new event OnAfterCreate_AZV_viaWS has been added for Create_AZV_viaWS in Codeunit OPP Clearing AZV DE.
A new event OnBeforexmlCreate has been added for XMW in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnAfterXMWawvLineSetFilter has been added for XMW in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnAfterXmlCreate has been added for XMW in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnxmwFileOnBeforeReportingLimitCheck has been added for xmwFile in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnxmwLineOnBeforeSetMyAmount has been added for xmwLine in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnBeforePushAttribOnBeforeCase has been added for pushAttrib in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnAfterSetDateFilter has been added for SetDateFilter in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnBeforeCSVCreate has been added for CreateCSV in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnAfterCSVawvLineSetFilter has been added for CreateCSV in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnCreateCSVOnBeforeReportingLimitCheck has been added for CreateCSV in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnAfterCSVCreate has been added for CreateCSV in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnCalculateParaCSVOnBeforeCase has been added for CalculateParaCSV in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnAfterCalculateParaCSV has been added for CalculateParaCSV in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnAfterSetReportStatusAWVLine2SetFilter has been added for SetReportStatus in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnSetReportStatusOnBeforeReportingLimitCheck has been added for SetReportStatus in Codeunit OPP Create XMW File.
A new event OnBeforeSepaFileDD has been added for SepaFileDD in Codeunit OPP Clearing SEPA DD.
A new event OnAfterSepaFileDD has been added for SepaFileDD in Codeunit OPP Clearing SEPA DD.
A new event OnBeforeSepaFile has been added for SepaFile in Codeunit OPP Clearing SEPA.
A new event OnAfterSepaFile has been added for SepaFile in Codeunit OPP Clearing SEPA.
A new event OnBeforeISOFile has been added for ISOFile in Codeunit OPP Clearing ISO.
A new event OnAfterPaymentHeadSetFilter has been added for ISOFile in Codeunit OPP Clearing ISO.
A new event OnAfterISOFile has been added for ISOFile in Codeunit OPP Clearing ISO.
A new event OnBeforeISOFileDD has been added for CreateISOFileDD in Codeunit OPP Clearing ISO CH DD.
A new event OnAfterISOFileDD has been added for CreateISOFileDD in Codeunit OPP Clearing ISO CH DD.
A new event OnBeforeISOCHFile has been added for ISOCHFile in Codeunit OPP Clearing ISO CH.
A new event OnAfterISOCHFile has been added for ISOCHFile in Codeunit OPP Clearing ISO CH.
A new event OnBeforeGetReportCompany has been added for GetReportCompany in Codeunit OPP Trigger Management.
A new event OnBeforeGenJnlLineCreateDim has been added for OnPostReport in Report OPP Pmt. Imp. to Gen.Jnl. Line.
A new event OnBeforeOnPreReport has been added for OnPreReport in Report OPP Vendor Create Pmt. Prop..
A new event OnBeforeOnPreReport has been added for OnPreReport in Report OPP Cust. Create Pmt. Prop..
A new event OnAfterCustomerPmtProposalHeadSetFilter has been added for "Cust. Ledger Entry".OnAfterGetRecord in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnAfterCustomerRegSetCheckSetFilter has been added for "Cust. Ledger Entry".OnAfterGetRecord in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnAfterCustLedgEntry2SetFilter has been added for "Cust. Ledger Entry".OnAfterGetRecord in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnBeforeCustLedgerEntryOnPreDataItem has been added for "Cust. Ledger Entry".OnPreDataItem in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnAfterVendorPmtProposalHeadSetFilter has been added for "Vendor Ledger Entry".OnAfterGetRecord in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnAfterVendorRegSetCheckSetFilter has been added for "Vendor Ledger Entry".OnAfterGetRecord in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnAfterVendLedgEntry2SetFilter has been added for "Vendor Ledger Entry".OnAfterGetRecord in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnBeforeVendLedgerEntryOnPreDataItem has been added for "Vendor Ledger Entry".OnPreDataItem in Report OPP Create Reg.Set from Entr..
A new event OnBeforeOnPreReport has been added for OnPreReport in Report OPP G/L Create Pmt. Prop..
A new event OnAfterSetFilterBundesbankReport has been added for SetFilterBundesbankReport in Table OPP Bundesbank Report.
OP: General ApplicationA new assisted setup to manage Azure Blob Storage connections to import statements from the containers is integrated. The setup can be called from the Assist Setups page within Business Central.37119
OP: General ApplicationIf OPplus was not activated, there was no notification about it in the role center. This notification was added.40019
OP: General ApplicationNew Event Publisher are integrated to OPplus: OnFillNewPmtLineOnAccountTypeCustomer(EntryNo: Integer; var CustLedgEntries: Record"Cust. Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean) OnFillNewPmtLineOnAccountTypeVendor(EntryNo: Integer; var VendLedgEntries: Record "Vendor Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean) OnFillNewPmtLineOnAccountTypeEmployee(EntryNo: Integer; var EmployeeLedgerEntry: Record "Employee Ledger Entry"; var IsHandled: Boolean)43149
OP: OtherA functionality has been added, which now makes it possible to carry out account assignments and clearing determination for G/L items also via the ext. document number.43092
OP: OtherAdded new Continia logo.42670
OP: OtherAdded OPplus field "VAT Key Code" to Page "OPP Ext. G/L Account".40542
OP: OtherNew automated test to check the general run of reports was integrated.36954
OP: Payment ExportChanged the e-mail subject when sending an advice from "Company Name, Account No." to "Company Name, Advice with Date".42635
OP: Payment ExportIf the iso code in the country table is not filled, a message appears when entering an IBAN, which does not give any hint as to the cause. The message should give a hint how to fix the error. This is caused by a change that came in with OPP 21 - removing the Use country code field from the Pmt. Suggestion setup.42566
OP: Payment ExportNew Publisher Events were integrated for ISO Payment Creation: Codeunit 5157902 "OPP Clearing ISO": OnBeforeWriteChrgBr(XS, IX, PmtHead, ChrgBrTxt, IsHandled); OnAfterCheckIsIsoPmtType(PmtTypeCode, IsISO);43104
OP: Payment ImportIf you wanted to use the customer / vendor application report, there was a wrong exit statement. If you want to analize the external document number and this was empty, the report exited without checking all other options..43108
OP: Payment ImportA new publisher has been integrated into CU 5157804.42730
OP: Payment ImportIt is now also possible to filter out rows using a filter on amounts / decimal values.42498
OP: Payment ImportAdded new key "No. of not posted Lines" to table "OPP Pmt. Import Register" for optimized performance in page "OPP Open Pmt. Import Registers".42102
OP: Platform and TechnologyMicrosoft introduced some changes to be used in the SubPageLink formulas. The references were changed.41285
OP: Platform and TechnologyPlease describe in one or a few sentences what will be changed/corrected with this work item.43011
OP: VATAdded new Continia logo.42677


Functional areaDescriptionID
OP: Country and RegionalCorrection of the language handling when printing QR-Codes in the Swiss payment context. German (DE-de) is used for all German languages and English EN-en for all other languages.41762
OP: OtherWhen selecting "Pmt. Disc. Excl. VAT" in "General Ledger Setup" an incorrect associated cash discount % amount has been calculated (namely based on the net invoice amount) in a line of the Extended Application (via the Ext. Cash Receipt Journal) when entering a cash discount amount. This has been fixed.42494
OP: OtherThere was an error in the automatic upgrade process, if the customers didn't use any ISO country/region codes. This has been fixed.43404
OP: Payment ImportAn error in the date calculation when entering several journal lines and exporting to table 81 via CSV port has been corrected.42833
OP: Payment ImportIf multiple statement files from multiple accounts are imported at once via the Dropzone then only one interface is created for the first file. Following interfaces are not created and files not imported. This was fixed.42979
OP: Payment ImportIf there is a currency in the REMADV file, OPplus didn't analyze it in the past. The "CUX" segment will be analized as well to get the currency, if it's in the file.43085
OP: Payment ImportIf there are files imported from Azure Blob Storage, which contains "CARD SERVICE" in the file, the system wants to import an EPA File; instead of a correct CAMT54 file. This was corrected.42644
OP: Payment ImportIf an OnPrem Installation is used and the OPplus OnPrem Extension is installed, there was an error if you want to select an import file for CSV Ports. This was corrected.42630
OP: Payment ImportWhen enabling option "Use Orig. Curr. Code in Bank Import" the field "Check Bank Balance" has used Amount instead of Amount (LCY). This has been fixed.42216
OP: Payment ImportIf, when importing a file via a CSV port, the first character within the field delimiter corresponds to the field separator (",",28,Hofstaat", ...) an error occurred. This has been fixed.41759
OP: Platform and TechnologyThe CardParts with a repeater-section were changed to ListParts due to errors from the AL Code Compiler.42335
OP: VATIn Report "OPP Account Schedule 11 Cols" and "OPP Account Schedule 15 Cols" a pagebreak was not working. This has been fixed.42653

OPplus 2022 R2, Hotfix 3

Veröffentlicht: 28. Oktober, 2022

SaaS (Online) Version:

On-premises Version:


Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationThe Continia Docs help call from within the BC Help was changed to run in german and english language depending on the selected language.42378
Payment ImportIf you apply an overpayment to an invoice of a customer who is member of an association, the invoice was open after posting the payment. This has been corrected.41666

OPplus 2022 R2, Hotfix 2

Veröffentlicht: 14. Oktober, 2022

SaaS (Online) Version:

On-premises Version:


Functional areaDescriptionID
General ApplicationThe module "Tenant" was deleted from the module selection in the Activation wizard. The Continia inhouse system calculates the best prices (user-based or tenant-based) on it's own.42073

OPplus 2022 R2, Hotfix 1

Veröffentlicht: 12. Oktober, 2022

SaaS (Online) Version:

On-premises Version:


Functional areaDescriptionID
Platform and TechnologyThe Telemetry sending was changed to align the other Continia Products.41845
Platform and TechnologyThe sending of Userdata to Continia Core was corrected.42035

OPplus 2022 R2

Veröffentlicht: 1. Oktober, 2022

SaaS (Online) Version:

On-premises Version:

Neue und geänderte Funktionalitäten

Functional areaDescriptionID
Demo ToolSome additional postings were added to the Demotool to simulate the subsequent applications of general ledger entries.37969
Demo ToolA new Column layout was added to the Demotool to simulate the calculation of amounts based on the option "Basis with percent".37974
Demo ToolPaymentmethod Codes for the handling of direct debit collections have been introduced to the Demotool. The entire process from invoice to payment can now be demonstrated.37291
Demo ToolIn the Demo Tool the SEPA Error code AC04 was inserted in the Pmt. Import Entries to demo the returned debit notes.41084
Ext. Fixed AssetsWhen transferring a fixed asset to another one, using the Partial Retirements of Assets function, the Assets Template can now be used to include a different asset posting group.37322
Ext. Fixed AssetsWhen posting a purchase invoice to an asset, the description entered was not posted to the G/L account. There is a new field on the OPplus Fixed Asset Setup "Copy Line Descr. to G/L Entry and FA Entry" to post the entered description from the purchase invoice to the entries.37925
General ApplicationThe functionality to create mandates for vendor bank accounts shall be obsoleted. In this task, all related fields / tables were obsoleted. In the next major release the fields will be deleted.37967
General ApplicationThe fields Payment Advice Shipping Type and Balance Acknowledgement have been added to the Vendor and Customer Setup templates.36993
General ApplicationContinia Core has been integrated into OPplus. App activation incl. modules is now done in the Continia Solution Management. The support for the OPplus module activation will be continued for all versions earlier than COPP For all existing customers in Business Central online who are updated to OPplus the existing license configuration will be automatically transferred to Continia Core. There will be a grace period of a couple of months in which the OPplus License model will still be accessible, until all Business Central online customers have been updated to the new OPplus version.36999
General ApplicationThe VAT-Key Code was added to the Ext. Pmt Journal.36920
General ApplicationDefalut settings have been moved to the background. See also ID 36788.36742
General ApplicationThe Field "Use Country Code Field" has been obsoleted. All mapped country codes will be redirected to the Code field in the table Country/Region during the upgrade to the current OPplus version. Whenever the ISO Country Code is necessary, it must be maintained in the table Country/Region and will be retrieved only from there, for example for the IBAN calculation.36730
General ApplicationA new Assisted Setup (Wizard) was introduced to enable the user to start working with the Payment Import and Payment Export a lot faster than before. Most of the default values which already cover about 90% of the setup are now set in the background, leaving only very few settings for the user. Advanced customizing can of course be done at any time on the setup pages.36788
OtherA new event OnBeforeInsertModifyMultiplePmtDiscEntryFromPurchHeader has been added for InsertMPDiscEntryFromPurchHeader in Codeunit OPP Multiple Pmt. Disc. Tools.
A new event OnBeforeInsertModifyMultiplePmtDiscEntryFromSalesHeader has been added for InsertMPDiscEntryFromSalesHeader in Codeunit OPP Multiple Pmt. Disc. Tools.
A new event OnBeforeInsertModifyMultiplePmtDiscEntryFromGenJnlLine has been added for InsertMPDiscEntryFromGenJnlLine in Codeunit OPP Multiple Pmt. Disc. Tools.
A new event OnBeforeUpdateEntry has been added for UpdateEntry in Codeunit OPP Multiple Pmt. Disc. Tools.
OtherBC Standard Approval requests have now been added to the cash book journal.36977
OtherThe field Analyze Association shall be disabled when the module Associations is not licensed.37062
OtherThe reports for Customer Open Entries and Vendor Open Entries can now include the accounts that are related to associations. A grouping is done for every association.37877
OtherFor the application of general ledger entries an error message was introduced to prevent the application with foreign currency values without being in the Ext. Application page.37940
OtherNew events OnApplyGLEntryAfterGenLedgEntrySetFilterBeforeRunmodal and OnApplyGLEntryOnAfterGenLedgEntrySetFilter have been added for ApplyGLEntry in Codeunit OPP Gen. Jnl.-Apply.
A new event OnPostGainLossApplyPostedEntrOnBeforeGenJnlLineCreateDim has been added for PostGainLossApplyPostedEntr in Codeunit OPP G/L OpenEntriesTools.
A new event OnApplyGLEntryformEntryOnAfterSetGLEntryFilter has been added for ApplyGLEntryformEntry in Codeunit OPP G/L OpenEntriesTools.
A new event OnLookupGLAppliesToDocNoOnAfterGLOpenEntrySetFilter has been added for LookupGLAppliesToDocNo in Codeunit OPP G/L OpenEntriesTools.
A new event OnMakeDataOnBeforeGenJnlLineCreateDim has been added for PostPayment in Codeunit OPP Clearing.
A new event OnAfterGLEntrySetFilter has been added for GLInit in Page OPP Extended Application GLE.
A new event OnBeforePmtLineInsert has been added for InsertLine in Page OPP Pmt. Prop. Lines SubPage.
A new event OnAfterVendLedgEntrySetFilter has been added for VendorInit in Page OPP Extended Application VE.
A new event OnAfterCustLedgEntrySetFilter has been added for CustomerInit in Page OPP Extended Application CE.
A new event OnGetEntriesOnAfterCustLedgEntriesSetFilter has been added for GetEntries in Report OPP Vendor Create Pmt. Prop..
A new event OnGetEntriesOnAfterVendLedgEntriesSetFilter has been added for GetEntries in Report OPP Cust. Create Pmt. Prop..
A new event OnBeforeInsertPaymentHead has been added for NewHead in Report OPP G/L Create Pmt. Prop..
A new event OnPreCollectGLAccountsOnAfterGLEntrySetFilter has been added for PreCollectGLAccounts in Report OPP G/L Create Pmt. Prop..
New events OnLookupOnAfterCustLedgEntrySetFilter, OnLookupOnAfterVendLedgEntrySetFilter and OnLookupOnAfterEmployeeLedgerEntrySetFilter have been added for "Applies-to Doc. No." OnLookup in Table OPP Payment Proposal Line.
OtherA new event OnAfterCopyPostingGroupsFromVATEntryInOPplus has been added for OnBeforeInsertTempVATEntry in OPP Dimension Tools.39982
Payment ExportIf a user cancels the download of the payment file, the status remains on open. Now the user gets an additional confirmation message so that he knows that the status is still open40080
Payment ExportIn the handling of the Payment proposals, the Caption for "From Template" was changed to "Complete from Template".38742
Payment ExportTwo new fields were introduced to the Bank Account table to create reference numbers from the ESR Customer IDs in case the bank account was altered when printing the QR Code.37946
Payment ExportReversals cannot be posted when they are in an unposted payment proposal. Applies for the reversal function of the BC standard and the OPplus reversal function.37385
Payment ExportThe sending functionality for Payment advices was redesigned and moved back to the basic functionality of the BC standard, using Document Sending Profiles in connection with the usage of email accounts in BC.36978
Payment ExportThe Visibility of the fields "Balance Account Type" and "Balance Account No." in the pages "OPP Payment Methods" and "OPP Payment Method Card" is set to "false". If the user needs the field, it's possible to customize the page.36743
Payment ExportThere are several possibilities to store a default value for the creation of a payment proposal (file type) in the application. If no default value has been defined in any of these places, the corresponding payment header will be returned with the error message "Payment blocked". The error message in the payment header was changed to: Payment type could not be determined.36747
Payment ImportA new separate Wizard was introduced for the setup of multiple payment discounts.36784
Payment ImportA more speaking error message is shown now, in case the wrong page IDs for the Ext. Pmt Journals are maintained in the Pmt. Import Setup.36855
Payment ImportA Dropzone has been introduced on the Pmt. Import Journals to import bank statement files via drag & drop.37393
Payment ImportThe field "Customer Name" was integrated in the Ext. Customer Ledger Entries and "Vendor Name" in the Ext. Vendor Ledger Entries Pages. Application entries can now be searched for by account name in the convenience clearing function.37483
Payment ImportSome tooltips were changed in the Payment Setup and Ext. Setup tables.37953
Payment ImportNew fields were added to the page Ext. Customer Ledger Entries and Ext. Vendor Ledger Entries: Closed by Entry No., Closed at Date, Closed by Amount, Applies-to-ID, Last Issued Reminder Level (Customer only).41346
Payment ImportDirect Debit Follow-Up letters can now be sent via Email.41082
Payment ImportStatement files had to be imported twice when the Import Interface wasn't already existing. Setting up the new interface and inserting the statement lines is now done without having to import the file once again.40973
Platform and TechnologyThe XLIFF files for de-AT, de-CH, en-GB and nl-BE were removed, because there are no significant translation differences for OPplus functionality. Main languages will be automatically used.37074


Functional areaDescriptionID
Country and RegionalCorrected a caption in page "Pmt. Export Setup UK".36968
Country and RegionalError message in Pmt. Export Setup for CH/LI was fixed in the Dutch language layer.40024
Country and RegionalWhen creating a payment file with the payment type code CH-LSV the "Bank Branch Code required" will be set to "No". The file is now also created without German umlauts.41066
Demo ToolThe deletion of the Reg. Pmt. Interfaces in the Demotool was corrected. All Interfaces are deleted now, when using the option "Delete transaction data".40876
Ext. Fixed AssetsProblems due to missing setup data from the Ext. Fixed Assets Setup not being passed through to the Assets journals is fixed.39429
Ext. Fixed AssetsFixed an error for a missing permission when reversing a fixed asset posting.36754
General ApplicationReference to Mini Vendor and Customer template tables was removed.36949
General ApplicationProperty DefaultLayout = RDLC added to all OPplus reports.36966
General ApplicationThe download of an Excel file from the extended account Schedule Overview after calling the function "Export to Excel" is now possible again.38517
General ApplicationPage 515785 for the handling of Document Sending Profiles in the context of sending payment advices via email was added to the OP-ALL permission set.40879
General ApplicationIn OPplus usually the dimension values of the applied ledger will be posted when there are no dimension values maintained on the Gen. Jnl. Lines. This missing feature was reintroduced to the current version.41314
OtherThe VAT-Key code is now properly deleted when the Account code or Balance Account code is deleted from the General, Sales and Purchase Journals.41337
OtherThe Lookup for the field GL/Account Applies to Doc.No was reintroduced to the General Journals.40669
OtherFixed an issue that printed an empty page in report "OPP VAT Check".38274
OtherThere was a wrong information for the association setup in the OPplus license information, which has been fixed.38303
OtherFixed an issue when applicating entries of an association with some entries not beeing closed.38767
OtherMoved functionality for adding dimensions when unapplying entries to an earlier event to solve a conflict with different apps.38985
OtherFixed an issue that prevented selecting entries via lookup in "Account Name" and "Column Name" in extended accounting schedule reports.39669
OtherFixed an issue when canceling a reminder. There was a wrong value in the reminder level field for the Report Customer Open Entries.39786
OtherThere is a change in the Payment Posting Setup from OPplus. If you choose a G/L Account which is blocked, Begin-Total or a End-Total you will receive an error message like in the General Posting Setup.39794
OtherPosting description isn't emptied anymore when changing the due date in installments.40111
OtherDeletion of temporary table maintaining the applicable entries when using the G/L Account Application report has been fixed.40428
OtherMissing tooltips added in the setup of the Balance confirmations40482
OtherIssue with missing suggested entries when reposting using the VAT correction report is solved.37033
OtherCorrection of wrong check of allowed posting date in the application of open general ledger entries.36811
OtherFixed an error when printing the report extended vendor detail trial balance sheet in page vendor ledger entries.36873
Payment ExportFixed an error when exporting one or more csv ports.36927
Payment ExportChanges in the CORE file related to the correct tagging of the amount and currency.36826
Payment ExportFixed an error that occurred in the create payment proposal for G/L items when selecting filters at item level.36777
Payment ExportThe usage of %5 placeholder for the SEPA Follow Up Letter was not correct. Instead of showing the bank name, the customer name was printed. This was changed.37153
Payment ExportIn case of SEPA direct debits the creditor ID of the own company (stored in the setup data payment export) will be included in the file. If the creditor ID is changed amendment details will be created in the SEPA LS file. In this amendment the new creditor ID is displayed instead of the old creditor ID. This was corrected.37378
Payment ExportCorrection of tooltip in Payment Proposals and Reg. Payment Proposals40590
Payment ExportIssue on not correctly transferring dimensions to receivable account lines when using direct debit paybacks was solved.39755
Payment ExportFixed an authentication error when exporting payment files to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.39343
Payment ExportThe multiple display of Custom Report Layouts used for OPplus was corrected.40981
Payment ImportError, when importing multiple statement files fom more than one blob storage directory was fixed.41415
Payment ImportFixed an error when importing statements from more than one interface via konfipay.40085
Payment ImportFix of error in Pmt. Import Interface, when Option Delete Entries after posting was set.40107
Payment ImportFixed an error if you wanted to change the Document No. while the Posting Date was empty in change general journal data functionality.38753
Payment ImportCorrection of wrong error message when the Payment Import Setup hasn't been done.40874
Payment ImportFixed an issue that occurred when using the percent code variable for external document numbers (vendor) from payment import setup for automatic applying of entries.39590
Payment ImportFixed an issue that delivered direct debit tracking codes for vendor payments were saved with wrong account type.39614
Payment ImportFixed an error that occurred when trying to import a CAMT file.39541
Payment ImportThe length of the statement number when statements are imported via CSV Ports was corrected.40608
Payment ImportFixed an error that occurred using a document number + * (asterisk sign) in the navigate search function when working with balance account per journal.36740
Payment ImportFixed an error when trying to connect with multiple banks via konfipay API.36936
Payment ImportFixed an error for a missing permission when when delivering sales invoices.36939
Platform and TechnologyThe changes for the PromotedActionCategories introduced with BC 21 were made to all affected OPplus objects.41253
VATChange of default description in VAT entry corrections to enable the setting of a proper filter on Description. A translated label was introduced to enable a proper filtering of the VAT Entries on the default description "Umb..." (German).40799
VATA filter error is fixed, that occurred in the Account Schedule Report, when selecting the "Balance to Date" option in the definition of column layouts.36854
VATProperty DefaultLayout = RDLC added.36872
VATA wrong page break occurred in the OPplus reports in the case of a large amount of Account Schedule Lines. Issue is fixed for the reports with 11 and 15 columns.39557
VATIssues with the Lookup on "Account" and Column Name" were fixed.39445