Extended Customer Ledger Entries

This module streamlines the management of customer ledger entries with user-friendly features:

  • Unfiltered View - accessible through Views and Lists > Customer Ledger Entries, providing a comprehensive display of all customer ledger entries.

Footer fields include:

  • Name - indicates the customer's name for the selected record.
  • Balance (LCY) - presents the customer's balance in the local currency.
  • Bal. Account No. & Bal. Account Name - activate by selecting Show Bal. Account in the Setup.

Within the Finance menu, you'll find the following functions:

  • Ledger Entry Comments - reveals comments associated with the selected customer's ledger entries.
  • Calculate Sum - aggregates totals for selected entries.

Moreover, on the right-hand side, you can view the existing entry comments.

Customer Ledger Entry Details

To add modifications and comments:

  1. Select Ext. Customer Ledger Entries > Process > Ledger Entry Comments.
  2. You can now include fields like Doc. No., Amount, Description, and Dates. The system allows you to adjust specific fields according to your setup configurations.

Open Customer Ledger Entries

This function optimizes the display of open entries:

  • Header details include Last Payment, Payment Term, Payment Method, Open, and Due.
  • Browsing is facilitated by buttons or ALT key combinations for navigation.

Ext. Cust. Detail Trial Balance

To allow printing and exporting:

  1. Select Views and Lists > Ext. Customer > Reports
  2. Choose the display format and customize the report based on filter criteria. This will provide you with detailed insights for each entry, making it ideal for auditing or detailed reviews.

Cust. Balance Acknowledgement

This module allows for creating customized balance acknowledgments. It provides various options for content, recipient details, and output formats.