Using balance confirmation codes

The Balance Confirmation Codes feature simplifies year-end financial tasks by generating accurate balance confirmation letters for customers and vendors, each accompanied by a unique Report ID.


The Balance Confirmation Codes feature is part of the Essential module that you can use free of charge. Go to the Introduction to the Essential Module article to learn more about activating the module.

To include settings for confirming balances:

  1. Go to Essential > Balance Confirmation Code.

  2. Select New.

  3. In the Code column, enter a name for the new Balance Confirmation Code.

  4. Use the Create Page columns to add pages. Select the checkboxes to add a cover page, a return page, and a page listing entries.

  5. On the action bar, select Actions > Texts to add text for the cover sheet, reply sheet, and/or list of entries.

  6. To print and preview the customer balance confirmation letter, open the customer or vendor card and select Continia Finance > Cust. Balance Confirmation from the action bar. Then, choose the confirmation code you created from the Bal. Confirmation Code field.

    To mail the confirmation letters, you can find the options under Extended List and Reports.