Setting up Sending Payment Advices via e-mail

E-mail accounts

To be able to send e-mails directly from Dynamics 365 Business Central, the E-mail Accounts must be specified. This is a Business Central standard setup, which is preferably done with the supported setup Set Up Email.

Setup e-mails

Customize report layout for e-mail text

For the e-mail text we provide you with a Word layout:


In the text there are control characters which specify what information from the application to be used. You can customize the document to your own needs. Microsoft offers further assistance on this topic at


Here is an example of what the finished e-mail text of an advice would look like later. Only the signature was adjusted afterwards in the Word document.

E-Mail Beispiel

Import report layout for the email text

In order to be able to use the text from the Word document as e-mail text for the payment and debit advice, open in Business Central the Payment Report selections and select as Usage the option Outg. Payment Advice. In the lines the corresponding report is indicated.

Payment Report Selections

If you click in the Email Body Layout Description field, then the Custom Report Layouts page opens. There you select the New menu item.

Custom Report Layouts

The Edit - Insert Built-in Layout for a Report page opens. You activate the Insert Word Layout field and confirm with OK.

Built-in Layout

A row will be inserted in the Custom Report Layouts window. Here you can customize the Description and also choose if this report should only apply to certain Companies.

Benutzerdefinierte Berichtslayouts

In the next step you import the Word document via the menu item Import layout.

Layout importieren

After the import, exit the Custom Report Layouts page by pressing OK.

The field Email Body Layout Description in the Payment Report Selections is then also filled.

Save e-mail addresses in the customers and vendors cards

The payment advice and debit advice note are sent to vendors and customers respectively. This requires corresponding e-mail addresses to be stored in the vendor or customer card.

The E-mail field on the Vendor card or Customer card is used for this purpose. If the payment advice notes are to be sent to an e-mail address that differs from the one saved in this field, then this can be stored under Document Layouts.


If you click on the Document Layouts menu item, the Edit - Document Layouts page opens for this Vendors/Customer. As Usage you enter Outg. Payment Advice and as Report ID you enter the report 5352813 Payment Advice (issued). You enter a Send to Email and place a check mark in the Use for Email Body field and select the custom report layout of this report to the Email Body Layout Description field.

Document Layout Vendor

See also

General Payment Setup

Setup of Advice Notes