Setting up Mandate Delegation texts

Mandate Delegation Card

To generate the letters of mandate directly from Business Central, store one or more texts. To do this, open the Mandate Delegation Text. Via +NEW you get an empty Mandate Delegation Card. Assign a code and a description and then enter the desired mandate text template.

Manadate Delegation text

You can use the following variables to build the text:

%1Company Name
%3Mandate No.
%5Account Holder Name (Other Name)
%6Account Holder Name 2 (Other Name 2)
%7Account Holder Address (Other Address)
%8Account Holder Address 2 (Other Address 2)
%9Account Holder Post Code (Other Post Code)
%10Account Holder City (Other City)
%11Single Manadate: ‚One payment once', Other ‚Payments'
%12Single Mandate: ‚DD', Other ‚DDs'
%13SWIFT Code
%14Customer's Bank Name
%15Customer Name

See also

Setting up mandates

Creating a single mandate

Creating mandates in a batch

Realising mandates with / without printing