Processing a Payment suggestion

Processing the lines of the payment suggestion

After you have generated the payment suggestion, you can see at a glance through the integration of error descriptions and a color coding of the lines, where to check and / or rework.

Ausgehende Zahlung


Find out the meaning and functions of the individual fields from the tooltips that are stored in the application. The tooltips appear when you move the mouse over the label of the respective field.

You have the following options:

  • You edit the lines in the payment suggestion:

Adjust Amount to Pay and the Execution Date, the Recipient Bank Account or your own Bank Account No. from which to pay, directly in the line, if needed.

  • You exclude lines from export:

If you uncheck Export, which is set automatically for lines without errors, you can exclude lines from file creation. These will then remain in the payment suggestion as executable without errors after file creation and can be processed further (later) if required.

  • You move lines to a new payment:

Select the line(s) and choose the Move Lines to New Payment from Actions / Line. An additional payment suggestion with identical filter criteria will then be created, which will include this row(s). Here you need to check the Export box explicitly before the desired execution.

  • You add another proposal:

To do this, run the Add Suggestion from Process. Select a suitable payment template and adjust the filter criteria if necessary. With OK your payment workbook will be extended accordingly by additional proposal lines. In this way, you can bundle all payments that, for example, concern the same bank account or that have the same execution date in one payment workbook and see in the header data what effects these transactions would have on your respective bank accounts.


Following each change, use the Check Lines action to ensure that the lines are exportable.

If required, print the Payment Suggestion List or Release List reports. Use filter criteria so that, for example, only items with errors are displayed.

See also

Creating payment templates for bank transfers

Creating a payment suggestion

Generating a payment file

Cancelling a payment file