Setting up Netting

Netting Setup

Define the general conditions for using the module. To do this, open the Netting Setup.

Netting setup

In the General tab, you first define how the Amount Exchange Setup is to be performed for evaluation purposes.

To do this, select

  • Exchange Amount by Workdate, if you want to apply the exchange rate stored on the current work date.
  • Exchange Amount per Entry and Posting Date, if you want to use the exchange rate valid on the posting date of the entry for each individual entry included in an netting or transfer.

In the next step, store the specifications required for the process steps of the same name on the Netting tab:

Field NameDescription
Netting Group Nos.From the list of No. Series, select the series for the Netting Groups or create a new No. Series if needed.
Netting Posting Nos.From the list of No. Series, select the series for the Posting nos for netting or create a new No. Series if needed.
Netting Doc. TypeSelect whether you want to use for Netting
  • Document type Inv./Cr. Memo per sign,
  • Document type Paym. / Ref. per sign, or
  • Document type Empty.

The chioce is based on your process specifications.
Netting Posting TextSpecify how the Posting text should be composed for Netting; use variables. A list of available variables can be found on the Information tab and further down on this page.

Then, on the Transfer tab, make the specifications for the transfers:

Field NameDescription
Transfer Entry Nos.From the list of No. Series, select the series for the entry nos for transfers or create a new No. Series if needed.
Transfer Doc. TypeSelect whether you want to use for Transfers
  • Document type Inv./Cr. Memo per sign,
  • Paym. / Ref. per sign or
  • Document type Empty.

The chioce is based on your process specifications.
Transfer Posting TextSpecify how the posting text should be composed for transfers; use variables. A list of available variables can be found on the Information tab and further down on this page.

On the Information tab, you will see the variables that you can use to create posting texts.

Variables for Netting:

%1Netting Group: No.
%2Netting Group: Description
%3Main Account: Type
%4Main Account: No.
%5Main Account: Name
%6Posting Date
%7Currency Code
%8Netting Register: No.

Variables for Transfers:

%9From Account: Type
%10From Account: No.
%11To Account: Type
%12To Account: No.

Setting up the Netting Posting groups

To enable the automated netting/ and transferring functions by BC, you need at least one Posting group in which a Netting Account is stored. To do this, open the Netting Posting Groups list.

Netting Posting Groups

If required, you can create as many Posting Groups as you like, which you provide with a unique Code and a meaningful Description. Then specify the account to be used in the netting in the Netting Account No. field.

Setting up the Netting Source Code Setup

Finally, define Source Codes for the module on the Netting Source Code Setup page.

Netting Source Codes Setup

See also

Setup wizard for Netting

Setting up Netting groups