How can I Match Batch Payments for ABN Amro?


What should I do when a batch payment appears as a statement line but does not automatically match the bank account ledger entry?


To use a search rule to match batch payments when using ABN Amro:

  1. On the Bank Acc Reconciliation page, on the action bar select Rules > Payment Identification Search Rules.

  2. On the Pmt. Ident. Search Rules page, on the action bar, and select New to add a rule.

  3. Enter the following information for the fields:

    • Bank Account No. - enter the bank account number that you want to match batch payments for. You need to define this per bank account.

    • Line No. - specifies the line number relevant to the transaction.

    • Reference Field - select Payment Information ID.

    • Search Text - enter Referentie: *

Payment identification search rule

After importing the bank statement with batch payments, the payments will now be automatically matched according to the rule.