Importing American Express transactions

Continia supports the automatic import of American Express transactions directly into Continia Expense Management. Transactions can be imported directly from American Express for American Express corporate cards.

In the section below, you can learn more about what's required to get the automatic import up and running.

Importing transactions directly from American Express

In order to have your American Express corporate card transactions imported directly into Expense Management, a transaction feed to Expense Management must be set up first. To do this, please follow the setup guide below very closely:

In the guide, you're asked to fill in the following forms, using the accompanying instructions:


The parts of the form that have been prefilled must be left unchanged, as American Express will need this information in order to set up the feed correctly.

See also

Automatic Import of Credit Card Transactions
Importing Mastercard Transactions
Importing Visa Transactions
Importing Transactions from Other Cards
Manual File Import