Minimum Requirements for Using Continia Collection Management

There's a significant difference between running Collection Management in the on-premises version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and using it online in the cloud version. This article describes the minimum requirements and things to note when running Collection Management in Business Central online. You can find the on-premises requirements here.


As Collection Management is an integrated part of Business Central, the minimum requirements for Business Central also apply to Collection Management.


We recommend using one of the following web browsers with the latest updates applied:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

Using Internet Explorer can cause errors and rendering issues. If Internet Explorer is the only option, it must be updated to the latest version.

Mobile devices

Most Collection Management features will work on mobile devices, although this isn’t officially supported. This goes for the use of Collection Management in various mobile versions of Dynamics 365, including the mobile web client and the official Business Central app.


Not all Collection Management features are visible or accessible on mobile devices. Even for features that work on mobile devices, the mobile user interface (UI) may look noticeably different from the corresponding computer UI, and certain features may also be accessed differently on mobile devices.

See also

Overview of Business Functionality
Business Central website