Expenses FAQ

In this section, you can find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the processing of expenses in Expense Management. The answers provide information on subjects such as setting a default currency and restricting selectable field values.

Can I set a default currency for an expense user?

No, setting a default currency code for an expense user is currently not supported – not unless the currency is locked and consequently can't be changed by the expense user.

It's worth noting that the Continia Expense App will use location data to show the currency for the country in which the expense user is. If the expense user chooses another currency, the Continia Expense App will remember it for the next expense and keep that value. If the Continia Expense App is closed, it reverts to using the currency derived from location data.

A workaround is to assign a specific currency to an expense user or group via lookup value access. Here's how you do it:

  1. Go to Configured Fields.
  2. Under Field Code, select Currency.
  3. In the action bar, select Manage > Field Type.
  4. In the action bar, select Field Type > Lookup Value Access.
  5. In Value Code, select a currency. Description is automatically filled in with the currency you selected.
  6. Optional: In Type, select a type. Default is user.
  7. In Code, select a user or a group.

Now all that remains is to force a synchronization with Continia Online, and you're done. In essence, this change means that the selected expense user or group (or both) only has access to this one currency, which will also be selected by default when they create a new expense.

Can I restrict which field values expense users can select in the Continia Expense App?

Yes, you can!

You can easily restrict field values that are available to expense users. The way to do that in Business Central is to allow access to certain field values rather than restricting access to particular field values.

Let's go through an example where a company wants to restrict which expense types that are available to the expense users:

  1. Go to Configured Fields.
  2. Under Field Code, select Expense Type.
  3. In the action bar, select Field Type.
  4. In the action bar, select Field Type > Lookup Value Access.
  5. In Value Code, select the expense type you want to allow access to. Description is automatically filled in with the currency you selected.

    Note that you need to create an entry for each expense type you want to allow access to. If you only make one line, the user/user group you define in Type will only have access to this one expense type.

  6. In Type, select a user type. You can select either user or user group. Here, it makes a lot of sense to select User Group so you don't have to apply the settings to each individual expense user.
  7. In Code, select a particular user or a user group.

This method can be used for many other fields than expense types, for example job, departments, etc.